Dear Pei Chuneans,
The Ministry of Education (MOE) recently announced changes to the Primary One Registration Framework on 9 September 2021. The changes will take effect from the next registration exercise held in 2022, for enrollment in 2023.
One of the changes is the combination of the current Phases 2A1 and 2A2 into a single Phase 2A. Under the revised framework, a child whose parent or sibling is an alumnus of Pei Chun, including those who joined the Alumni Association as a member, can register for enrollment under Phase 2A.
The revised framework means that members of the Alumni Association will register their child in the same phase as alumni who are not members of the Association.
Over the years, the Association has led the alumni community to contribute to our alma mater in meaningful ways, and helped our alumni reconnect with the school and former school mates.
We sincerely hope you will continue to join the Association and participate in our activities. Please visit the following website to find out more about joining the Association: