培群校友会2023会员大会 (Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023)

致 培群校友会全体会员 培群校友会2023会员大会 谨订于2023年12月30日(星期六)下午3时在本会会所举行2023年度会员大会。会员也可通过Zoom,以虚拟方式出席会员大会。届时请拨冗出席。 议程如下: 1 主席致辞 2 覆准上次会员大会会议记录 3 常年报告 4 财政报告 5 其他事项 会员大会预计在下午4时00分结束。 如果您将出席会员大会,请通过电子邮件告知我们您的出席方式。谢谢。 许凯婷 培群校友会义务秘书 Dear Member, Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023 Notice is hereby given that the Pei Chun Alumni Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023 be held on 30 December 2023 (Saturday) from 3.00pm to 4.00pm. The AGM will be held in a hybrid format […]

培群校友会2022会员大会 (Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022)

致 培群校友会全体会员培群校友会2022会员大会 谨订于2022年12月17日(星期六)下午3时在本会会所举行2022年度会员大会。会员也可通过Zoom,以虚拟方式出席会员大会。 届时请拨冗出席。 议程如下: 会员大会预计在下午4时00分结束。 吕毅龙培群校友会义务秘书附: 出席培群校友会2022会员大会回条 Dear Member,Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022 Notice is hereby given that the Pei Chun Alumni Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 will be held on Sat 17 December 2022, between 3.00pm and 4.00pm. The AGM will be held in a hybrid format – physically at the Pei Chun Alumni […]

Letter to PCPS Alumni

Dear Pei Chuneans, The Ministry of Education (MOE) recently announced changes to the Primary One Registration Framework on 9 September 2021. The changes will take effect from the next registration exercise held in 2022, for enrollment in 2023. One of the changes is the combination of the current Phases 2A1 and 2A2 into a single […]

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